Friday, March 6, 2009

Delicious--it really is

This just may be the most useful on-line tool that I've been introduced to so far. The site is easy to use and having all my bookmarked sites available from any computer is proving to be extremely helpful. The icing on this cake is the social bookmarking feature. For example, one of my tags is readers advisory. Clicking on it led to other members who have used the same tag and their lists lead me to new sites to explore. If you have not yet tried , check it out. It's searchable by author or title, includes all fiction, not just fantasy, includes contemporary as well as older authors, and lists fiction series in order. It does the same sort of thing that does for mystery/suspense fiction. I have discovered that it helps to be consistent about the tags I use (not reader's advisory or readers advisory or readers_advisory), to use the underscore to connect words in a phrase, and that the more tags I use the more leads I get to new sites.

1 comment:

  1. I really love Delicious. It serves as a file cabinet for useful or cool programs or site that I have come across.
